I’d be lying if I said that I haven’t etched those three amazing words into copybooks and blurted it out on occasions when I probably shouldn’t have.
They are the most three powerful words in the whole of humanity.
No, I don’t mean ‘I Love You’, I’m talking about ‘Mayo For Sam’.
Tourmakeady man, Dean Glendon was on holidays in Belfast this week when he came across the graffiti on one of Ireland’s most iconic buildings.
The ‘Mayo For Sam’ is plastered in blue pen across the Peace Wall in Belfast which divides the Catholic and Protestant areas.

It’s up there with the time that a massive ‘Mayo For Sam’ sign was plastered on a 4K Billboard screen in London.
The company in question, who were advertising in the English capital, had a bit of room to play with on their advertisement so instead of filling it with company details or you know, important stuff, they decided to throw that in instead.
Where’s the strangest place you’ve seen a piece of Mayo memorabilia or signage? Let us know in the comments.
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