The notion of podcasting isn’t new and it has been pretty much mainstream since 2005 when Apple included support for the technology into iTunes. Despite decent success I’ve always wondered was it a niche technology that would always play second fiddle to the likes of TV, movies and video games in terms of mainstream entertainment. Podcasts have always been popular for business, news, tech and various other areas but never fully mainstream. 10 years on however they look like exploding and one in particular is changing the game…
I’ve been hearing people mention Serial (became most downloaded podcast on Apple in record time) for the last couple of months. The same people kept going on about Breaking Bad in the early days during series one before it got massive. I didn’t have time to sit down and listen to Serial until the Christmas break but when I finally did, my good was it good. It took 15 minutes to get into (at first I was like “what the fuck is this shit?”) but by the end of the very first episode I was absolutely hooked. I “binge listened” to the entire series in just 2 days.
So at a time of year where everybody is making predictions about emerging tech I’d like to vouch for the humble old podcast. Everybody I talk to are discovering new ones. With better quality production and with much bigger budgets podcasts really are not going anywhere. Check out Serial and prepare to be convinced. Incredible entertainment.