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26th Sep 2020

Protesters outside RTÉ last night were convinced top US doctor had flown in for the show

Sarah Finnan

Protestors outside ‘fake news HQ RTÉ’ last night seemed to think that top US doctor Anthony Fauci had flown in from DC especially for the show.

A post shared online by Twitter user Anthony O’Connor shows a number of people gathered outside the RTÉ building with Gardaí also on-site to oversee the protest. According to a poster, the gathering was a ‘rally for truth’ with those involved calling for Dr Fauci to ‘go home’.

A guest on last night’s Late Late Show, it seems that protestors were under the impression that the top doctor had travelled over to Ireland to appear on the show in person. That was not the case however and host Ryan spoke to the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases via video call.

America’s leading Covid-19 expert, he talked of the spiralling cases over in the US also updating viewers on the status of a vaccine. Commenting that he actually has a “good” working relationship with Donald Trump, he added that dealing with public insults from the President is all “part of the game”.

“You just have to tell the truth. Go by the science and be driven and read by scientific data and evidence. There’s conflict with people, you just don’t take it personally.”

Reassuring viewers that “this is going to end”, he encouraged the public to “hang in there” until then – later saying that we should know more about a vaccine within a few short months.

“We should know by the end of this calendar year – let’s say November, December – whether we have a safe and effective vaccine that can then be started to be deployed.

“Once we get vaccines distributed in the population – we won’t be completely avoiding and not adhering to public health measures – but clearly, they will be much less restrictive.

“Vaccines are going to make things much more amenable to approaching some sort of normality in society.”

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