You’re probably trying to fill the Love Island shaped void that is currently in your heart and while every day for the next month is going to be hard, RTÉ has you covered on Wednesday night.
They are airing a movie that won best picture in the 2016 Oscars and a film that has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of a staggering 97%.
Spotlight focuses on a team of reporters from a Boston newspaper who begin to investigate reports of child molestation within the Catholic Church.
The journalist discover that the terrible situation is even worse than it seems and they uncover that Boston’s legal, religious and even Government bodies have been covering up the scandal for years.
The 2015 fact-based movie stars: Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams and Stanley Tucci and grossed nearly €100m worldwide.
It also won the Academy Award for ‘Best Picture’ in 2016 as well as a whole host of other awards.
It’s on Wednesday night on RTÉ One at 9:35pm.
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