We’ve all been there – You wake up after a night on the beer and you can’t tell whether some food will cure or kill you. You attempt to cook something to ease off the groaning sounds in your stomach and settle the raging pains in your head.
Well, for this Twitter user, the result of his hungover-state lasted longer than he expected.
For the last two weeks, Sam couldn’t understand why his fire alarm was going off every single time he tried to cook a meal.
The result?
Well, just an ENTIRE tray of sausage rolls that are now cremated so badly they look like blocks of coal.
Sam posted up about this on Twitter yesterday and it has blown up with almost 3 thousand likes on the post.
Our oven has been setting off the fire alarm for like the past week and we couldn’t work out why and I just realised there is literally a WHOLE TRAY of sausage rolls in there that somehow none of us noticed pic.twitter.com/PvvnUorOVR
— Sam Pearson (@greeneggs_) June 4, 2018
Sam told a Twitter user that he had cooked them after his birthday and couldn’t stomach them, so he left them in the oven. It took him two weeks to realise what had happened.
Sure look, throw a bit of ketchup on them, be grand!
Header IMage: @greeneggs_
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