Where does the time go, eh fellow kool kidz? It seems like just yesterday that we were spending all of our evenings hunched over a CD player making mix-tapes for our best friends in primary school…
Now these young’uns are probs just sharing a Spotify playlist.
A survey commissioned by British Airways looked at how technology has changed how we live our everyday lives, with some tasks now pretty much obsolete. If you haven’t stopped doing these things already than chances are you will soon.
We feel ancient.
Top 25 things we miss but no longer do due to technology:
1. Making mix-tapes
2. Put photos into albums
3. Recording films and TV shows using VHS
4. Having printed photos around the house
5. The excitement of having photographs developed before you can see them
6. Handwritten letters
7. Sending love letters
8. Sending post-cards
9. Having pen friends
10. Buying CDs / having a CD collection
11. Using public telephones
12. Using a telephone directory
13. Carrying a portable CD player
14. Going into the travel agents to research a holiday
15. Buying disposable cameras
16. Turning to a hard copy of the Yellow Pages
17. Playing traditional board games or cards
18. Owning an encyclopedia
19. Dialing directory enquiries
20. Visiting car boot sales to sell old stuff
21. Remembering phone numbers off by heart
22. Hand-writing essays /school work
23. Ringing the speaking clock
24. Trying on pairs of shoes on the high street
25. Dialing 1471 to see who called while you were out
At least we don’t have to look up the TV listings anymore…
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