When you put President Michael D Higgins and dogs together, the result is always going to be something adorable.
Recently, people have been sharing footage of the president giving his big ol’ fluffy friends a cuddle on Twitter, and people are absolutely loving it.
One Twitter user posted a video of Miggeldy with his dogs, writing, “Dear God. My heart just exploded. The only real President in the country today.”
Dear god.
My heart just exploded.
The only real President in the country today. ♥ pic.twitter.com/UMVPaUEwHx
— 📻 ED SMITH 📻 (@EdTodayFM) June 5, 2019
Another wrote, “Look at how much Michael D Higgins’ dogs love him. Just look.”
Look at how much his dogs love him. That is way too adorable.
We really don’t deserve dogs.
The president and his dogs Bród and Síoda have constantly been serving up cute moments, and people have always been obsessed.
My absolute favourite thing about the Irish presidential election is how much Michael D Higgins loves his dogs, Bród and Síoda pic.twitter.com/Pe3VBaiyLz
— Hannah Tomes (@hannahtomes_) October 11, 2018
During the 2018 presidential campaign, candidate Peter Casey took aim at Micheal D’s dogs, claiming, with no evidence, that the president charged €10,000 dog grooming bills to the Irish taxpayer.
Michael D rejected these claims, saying that he paid for the dog grooming out of his own pocket.