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15th Sep 2020

WATCH: Limerick bartender trials speedy new serving system

Sarah Finnan

House Limerick has shared a clip of their barman in action, videoing him serving a tray of drinks while simultaneously steering a scooter.

Anyone who has ever worked in hospitality will know that balance, strength and hands that can withstand burning hot temperatures are the keys to making it in the biz. The first is of particular importance when drinks are involved – learning how to serve while keeping all beverages standing upright is a skill that ya best pick up quickly if you want to make it through your shift without dousing yourself in hot tea/coffee… or worse, sticky cocktails.

Proving that their staff have got the balancing act down to a tee, House Limerick shared a video of what goes on behind the scenes at a staff meeting and it looks like a hoot. Posting a clip of barman Sean Naughton in action, he can be seen holding a tray with two drinks on it in one hand and steering a scooter in the other. Multitasking at its finest and not one single drop was spilt either – seriously impressive.

They see him rollin’, they hatin’.

American-style diners where staff wear roller skates already exist, but perhaps this could be the next big thing? Thank God my waitressing days are over is all I can say because this would not bode well for me or potential customers…

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