There’s that seasonal weather we’ve grown to know and tolerate.
If you were bringing the little ones out trick-or-treating last night, you’ll have noticed a serious change in the weather. And it’s set to stay chilly this week, making conditions perfect to stay home and subtly swap out your Halloween decorations for Christmas ones. I know it’s what you’re all thinking. No judgement from me.
Today will see scattered heavy showers across the south and west with some sunny spells breaking through, according to Met Éireann. Later in the afternoon, showers will retreat mostly to Atlantic coastal areas, with breezes moderating too.
Tomorrow will bring with it heavy showers across Atlantic coastal counties, and temperatures of 8-11 degrees, however there’s a potential for frost overnight with lowest temperatures of 0-4 degrees. Frost is likely on Wednesday night too, with lowest temperatures set to reach -2. From Thursday until the weekend then, we can expect mixed conditions with plenty of showers, and windy spells likely too. Time to cosy up and dust off the Michael Buble album – winter is upon us.
Header image via Shutterstock
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