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27th Sep 2020

Cork restaurant’s ‘six stack’ burger challenge sounds near impossible to complete

Sarah Finnan

Confirming the return of their yearly ‘six stack’ burger challenge on Instagram, those brave enough to take it on can do so from next week.

Cork restaurant Coqbull is at it again, egging customers on with super-sized food challenges that sound near impossible to complete. What a load of coq and bull.

Known for their serious grub, locals have said that packing away one burger can even prove to be too much sometimes so you’d want to be verrrrrry hungry to finish three of ’em, fries and a milkshake.

Comprising 40oz of beef (that’s six patties), four brioche buns and plenty of cheese. There’s a lot to get through, in other words.

Last year, owners challenged customers to finish it in under 10mins 32secs – with a year of free burgers waiting for the person who got the quickest time. I have a sneaky feeling that I’d never want to see another burger again if I tried to eat six at once…

Anyone interested in facing the monstrosity head-on can register by emailing staff ([email protected]) or giving them a quick buzz (021 4278 444) and explaining why you want to put your body through such an experience. Better wear your stretchiest pants.

Header image via Instagram/Coqbull

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