Are you looking to cash in on that sweet, sweet, “one for everyone in the audience” action?
Or watch on and laugh as a child on a tractor shuts Ryan Tubridy down with a simple “níl” when he asks them what the craic is?
Then listen up. Applications are open now to be in this years Late Late Toy Show audience. If you’re dying to get your hands on a Golden Ticket, head over to the RTÉ website now to fill out an application, and tell them why you’d love to be a part of the show this year.
After the Toy Show being attended virtually last year, we have no doubt there’ll be an overwhelming amount of interest to be part of one of the most beloved events in the Irish tv calendar.
Bear in mind that you must be over 18 to apply for a ticket, and can only apply once (duplicate applications will not be considered). It’s also worth noting that due to health and safety guidelines, RTÉ are only accepting applications from fully vaccinated audience members.
Good luck to anyone applying, no doubt 2021’s show will be one to remember! Sure isn’t it always?
Header image via Instagram/thelatelatetoyshow
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