If you’re stuck for something new and interesting to start and you still haven’t hit play on this intriguing podcast, you need to start ASAP.
Especially after it got the golden seal of approval from world renowned documentarian and journalist, Louis Theroux.
The maker of some of the best amazing documentaries that the world has ever seen is a huge fan of the Irish podcast ‘West Cork’ and has tweeted about how good it is several times.
And now, his thoughts have been backed up by TIME Magazine who have listed the series in the “50 Best Podcasts to Listen to Right Now“.
The magazine explains that:
“In 1996, a French woman was murdered near her vacation home in the idyllic town of West Cork, Ireland. The crime has become something of a national sensation in Ireland — which means listeners should resist Googling details until after they’ve finished the podcast.
“But this podcast doesn’t just recount events: Journalist Sam Bungey and documentarian Jennifer Forde, who spent three years reporting out West Cork, also explore several lesser-known theories.
“There’s also a major twist that will shock listeners. But the show’s real strength is establishing a sense of place. The hosts beautifully communicate how a tragedy can impact a town and its people in devastating ways.”
The magazine also gives people an indication about where in the series they’ll get hooked on but for West Cork, there’s no messing as TIME believe you’ll be begging for more after “Chapter 1”.
Not going to keep tweeting about how good #WestCork podcast is. You either believe me or you don’t. But Time also like it a lot. https://t.co/TQ3bUQyILF
— Louis Theroux (@louistheroux) April 9, 2018
You can listen to the podcast on Audible here
You can also learn more about the podcast by reading an article we wrote previously about West Cork here and listening to an in-depth discussion about it on our Before Brunch podcast here (discussion begins around the 2:30 mark).
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