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15th Feb 2018

PIC: This Poor Fella Made A Big Mistake Buying This Irish Valentine’s Card


You know how when you’re in Irish class in secondary school talking shite as Gaeilge and you think “I will never, ever use this language in real life”?

Well, aren’t we the goddamn fools. 

Never mind trying to find your way around with the road signs in Gaeltacht areas, it’s Valentine’s Day that’s going to catch you out. 

Case in point? This unfortunate fella who made a BIG mistake in this Irish Valentine’s Card…

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Image: its_brew/Reddit

“Shite just scribble the ‘wife’ part out and quickly write girlfriend be graaaaaand”

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The mishap was posted on Reddit Ireland and naturally, people hit back with some pretty witty advice for the panicking lad…

Forgive us Mrs.Coll. We should have paid more attention…

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