It’s Monday and most of the country is only dying to get home from work so they can stretch out on the sofa for the night. It’s always so much easier when the telly stations provide us with something decent to watch rather than aimlessly scrolling Netflix for hours. Well, tonight is one of those nights.
Whether you need a few laughs to pick you up after a rough day or you could do with a few scares to dust off the cobwebs, Irish TV has you covered tonight. The former option will be provided by RTÉ 2 as 22 Jump Street gets underway at 9.30pm.
The comedy sequel sees Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum return as officers Schmidt and Jenko for another hilarious instalment of the much-loved franchise. This time, the pair are charged with returning to college to investigate the emergence of a popular drug known as WHY-PHY and there are memorable set-pieces and rib-tickling one-liners throughout as the case unravels.
Meanwhile, over on TG4, Leonardo DiCaprio stars in psychological thriller Shutter Island, a movie which is always guaranteed to make you jump no matter how many times you watch it.
Leo stars as a U.S. Marshal sent to investigate a psychiatric facility on the eponymous island after one of the patients goes missing. If you haven’t seen it, the movie is known for having a pretty big twist so be careful not to jump to any conclusions.
Shutter Island will start on TG4 at 9.30pm, the same time as 22 Jump Street on RTÉ 2.
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