We’re not mathematicians here, but based on our calculations that takes us up to magic number 5.
It’s been a whirlwind of a morning. At about 9am, Aiken announced one extra date (September 11th) had been added to GB’s upcoming Croke Park run. “Saw it coming”, most of us tutted over our tea and toast, not yet anticipating the chaos that would later unfold.
About 30 minutes later, a fourth date was added and we started to shift in our seats. “That’s getting a bit close now”, we thought to ourselves as we put the kettle on for a second time, and the 2015 episode of Reeling in the Years started playing in our heads.
Well my friends, I can confirm he’s only gone and done it.
As of 30 minutes ago, two extra dates have been added, bringing us up to a grand total of 5. As it stands, thousands of Garth fans are still in the queue for tickets. We’re not out of the woods yet.
FIVE GARTH BROOKS GIGS pic.twitter.com/eo1tvbv3Jp
— Gavin O Callaghan (@gavinocal) November 25, 2021
More as we have it.
Header image via Instagram/garthbrooks
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