READ NEXT: Harry Potter to Spider-Man: A round-up of all the new PS5 game trailers
All information correct at time of posting.



17th Sep 2020
Now… we need you to take a deep breath, because we know that headline might’ve struck fear into your heart.
Just try to stay calm while you’re reading this… okay? Okay.
Sony announced the price and release date for both version of the PlayStation 5, but one piece of information they didn’t reveal was when the pre-orders for the console would become available.
Turns out that is because they became available pretty much immediately, and those who were on the ball have already pre-ordered their console, and some stores are already stating that they’re currently sold out.
If you go on to the Smyths Toys website for the PS5 page, this is what you’ll currently see…
As it mentions there, they are expected back in stock on November 19, which is the day that the PS5 is officially due for release, so they could get be getting a lot of consoles in for the day for those who want to buy on the day instead of pre-booking.
Same goes for the Game Stop website, in the bottom right hand corner you can see that they are also out of stock:
They are offering players a PlayStation 5 Queue spot, and this is the description of that:
“This is a preorder sku (Stock Keeping Unit) that puts you in the virtual queue for the next allocations of PlayStation® 5 console after the launch window. We have no definite confirmation of next allocations dates at this point in time. Purchase of this does not guarantee a console prior to the end of 2020. This deposit can be refunded by contacting [email protected] should you change your mind.”
Other outlets such as Currys and Amazon have yet to make pre-orders available, while reports state Argos will be starting pre-orders from Friday September 18.
All information correct at time of posting.