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14th Jul 2021

New Netflix cooking show will feature Parisian cuisine

Fiona Frawley

“That’s Hot” – Paris Hilton, after taste-testing the sauce on her new cooking show.

Over the last year or so, many of us have become born-again Paris lovers. When her documentary aired on YouTube last year, we saw the woman behind the character she created in the early noughties, and gained an insight to the reality of having a sex tape leaked in a world before the Me Too movement. Also, with the resurgence of y2k fashion and a general craving for all things nostalgic, Paris and her iconic lewks are more relevant than ever.

So I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s delighted to hear she’ll be gracing our screens once more, this time with a cooking show on Netflix. As we know, Paris is all grown up now (an engaged woman don’t you know), so her transition into domestic life makes sense.

Bear in mind, this is a cooking show with “cooking” in air quotes, so Nigella needn’t worry about Paris coming for her gig just yet. My guess is we might see the odd bitta faffing around with a whisk but mostly just Paris being Paris. Which, to be honest, I can’t get enough of. I lived on the Simple Life, it taught me valuable life lessons I still practice today.

Wisdom for the ages, tbh.

If you’re interested in Cooking With Paris, you can do so from the 4th of August on Netflix. Loves it.

Header image via Instagram/Paris Hilton

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